FS 2021: Advanced quantum mechanics and quantum field theory

Lectures and exercise classes will be online:

zoom-link (via adam)

Office hours for questions and discussions: Wednesday, 16:00 Uhr

Lectures will begin on 01.03.2021 at 8:15; exercise classes will begin on 05.03.2021 at 13:15

Written test: Friday, 28.05.2021, 13:15 - 15:00  in Seminarraum 4.1 (4th floor)
To obtain the 6 CP, you have to reach 50% of the points in the homework problems as well as 50% of the points in the written test.
The grade of the written test will be the total grade of the course.

Collaboration in solving homework problems:
One of the goals of the exercise classes is to train to find ways and methods to attack problems.
Therefore, please make a serious effort to solve the problems on your own before you discuss with your colleagues.
If you collaborate, please indicate with whom, and please submit separate solutions.

Submission of homework: on adam in the appropriate folder! 

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Bonus-Blatt 11